Feb 20, 2009

I knew it!

I just knew I wouldn't post updates very often. Well, here goes...some random stuff about the kidlets recently: Carson got hungry before bedtime, so he decided to eat a whole cucumber while standing on the counter. This kid continuously cracks us up. The other morning, I woke up to howling downstairs. Thinking someone had broken into our house and was severing one of my children's legs off, I ran downstairs to find Carson under the coffee table. I asked him if he heard that noise and he said "It was the coyotes, Mom. They just left". I told him they better not come back to our house or I would have to spank the coyotes. Surprisingly we haven't seen them again.
Kasey has her own comedic moments. This is a recent pic of her posing with her 1" puppy. Why she felt the need to put the little drink umbrella in her ponytail is beyond me. Sometimes her quirkiness makes me feel like I'm living on another planet...and I fully embrace that.

Charlotte and her friend Ryan are having minnows for lunch. She has moved from not being able to touch fish to eating them raw quite quickly. Just one reason why ice fishing trips with her father should be monitored a little more closely :) (J/K Paul!)

And lastly...spending a week in Mexico with friends is the best Rx possible for the soul.

L to R are: my sister in law, Bridget, me, Paul, Dave and Julie.