Jan 5, 2009

Merry Christmas 2008

I suppose it appears that my posts are going in reverse chronological order. First I did New Year's photos, now I'm posting Christmas photos. Think I'll spare everyone going back any further. Do you really need to see Kasey in her construction paper turkey crown?

Charlotte and Kasey posing with their up-do's
Hair by: Amanda and Andrea, my future sisters- in-law!

We had a great holiday. My brother, Charley and his wife Trish visited us from Washington D.C. We skiied, bowled, learned how to play smear, attended some holiday bashes and were even able to take them (along with Paul's Mom and Dad, and brother Rico and fiance Amanda) to Superior for an Anchor Burger. Thanks guys for traveling to see us!
Carson's first day on skiis.
He took one run and wanted to
head to the chalet for snacks.

My brother Charley,
having a VERY MERRY

Jan 2, 2009

My first blog - Happy 2009!

Paul and The Hoff...two twinkies on New Year's Eve

Joe and Heather

Hmmm...I wonder if they have read Twilight?

Just a FRIENDLY New Year's kiss, right Julie?

Thanks Dave and Julie for a fabulous New Years Eve Party. We met some new friends and ate too much as usual. The fondue was yummy and very retro, we'll have to have a 60's party this summer and try it again :)

I have a friend Heather, who is so impressive. She works full time, has two kids, a super cool husband, a beautiful home in the country, crochets, is also a photographer and has her own blog. (Check it out at http://www.weedragonflies.blogspot.com/) I don't know how she fits it all in. My new years resolution was to visit her blog regularly. As I was checking out weedragonflies, I realized that blogging would be a great way to keep in touch with my family. So I have spent the morning trying to figure this thing out. I'll work on making my blog interesting to read later! So, my hat is off to you Heather, happy new year!

Enjoy some other pics from our evening....